Recently Active 'robots.txt' Questions - Stack Overflow

Unable to find robots.txt file. In a Vue (3.4) app, I have created a robots.txt file at the root of my folder. I have deployed my website with the robots.txt ...

TV Series on DVD

Old Hard to Find TV Series on DVD

My robot.txt file looks fine but doesn't work

txt to my website I expected it to work like it should, but when I checked my SEO with an online site, it showed me it doesn't work. My robot.

What happens if a website does not have a robots.txt file?

The purpose of a robots.txt file is to keep crawlers out of certain parts of your website. Not having one should result in all your content ...

Stack Overflow's robots.txt is completely useless

So the Allow: / directive overrides all the following disallows rendering robots.txt effectively useless. This is the reason all major search ...

The Unfriendly Robot: Automatically flagging unwelcoming comments

One context is Stack Overflow, the full website with questions, answers, reputation, everything. The other context is stripped down to just ...

Why is my robots.txt not working? - Server Fault

I moved the /files/ disallow to the bottom and ran a test on one PDF file in the files directory and it returned Success. How can I fix this ...

What a very bad day at work taught me about building Stack ...

I've been at Stack for a year now, and I'd like to share with you one of my worst days at work, and what it taught me about the Stack Overflow ...

AI-generated answers temporarily banned on coding Q&A site Stack ...

Stack Overflow has temporarily banned users from sharing answers to coding queries generated by AI chatbot ChatGPT. The site's mods say the ...